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фотография Tulume


Larry Korhnak

Crude collage of some vacation snapshots to Cozumel, Mexico.


другие фото автора

Olga Novikova
Поставил(а) пятерку
Екатерина Челнокова

 1.  Ирина Худолей 26.01.2003 20:23 
 Или я чего-то не понимаю, или....
Решительно не нравится!
 2. Victor Ginzburg 26.01.2003 21:45 
 3.  Галина Галина 26.01.2003 21:50 
 4.  Денис Топал 26.01.2003 22:34 
 for the idea (i could write, for the absence of idea) - 2, for not clear and not explained title - the same, for brutal making-up - the same. at least, no comments. it will be better, if u could explain us shortly and clear your idea about this photo... leaving this photo without any mark, den
 5.  Lunis Baigais 26.01.2003 23:17 
 Eto iz seriji "Bolisoi T-rax" ?:)
 6.  Larry Korhnak 27.01.2003 00:36 
 (4)Денис Топал, Tulum is Mayan ruins in Mexico. This photo-collage has more idea than most of my popular nature photos. I may explain my idea later, but once the image leaves my home it takes on it’s own identity. So, for now I’ll let the image try to explain itself. If you think it deserves a 2, then cast your vote! :-)
(5)Lunis Baigais, Not Jurassic Park but good idea. :-)))

 7.  Lunis Baigais 27.01.2003 00:38 
 8.  Денис Топал 27.01.2003 05:26 
 (6) sorry, if my comment made you unsatisfied - the aim was just to try to understand...
and the only thing i've recognized on it - it was maya zikkurat (stair-piramide), cause i'm archaeologist by specialization.
composition of this photo is bad - IMHO, but i like your other photos. so i feel unsatisfied. i expected from u smth more interesting and more professional.
nothing personal, Larry. (p.s. your 1st date is one of my favorite photos of ph-line and is saved on my winch and was shown uncounted times to my best friends).
 9.  Larry Korhnak 27.01.2003 06:18 
 (8) Денис Топал, Please don’t apologize. Honest and open exchange of ideas about photos is very satisfying. We may not agree, but hopefully we both learn something.:-)
 10.  Inga Savosina 27.01.2003 08:18 
 Very cool, Larry :o))
 11. Zwir Bogdan 27.01.2003 10:59 
 этот остров любви... мне определенно нравится %)
 12.  Геннадий Гуляев 13.02.2003 09:25 
очень круто! :)
 13.  Вася Мищенко 13.02.2003 09:35 
 :) cool!
 14. Свист Паровозов 05.07.2003 01:16 
 ё, хороша картинка
 15.  StarMood 05.07.2003 01:38 

